Selected Fatwas

Can a single woman offer herself to a righteous man for engagement?

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Fasting the 27th of Rajab: is it innovation (Bid'ah)?

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Is Suhour a condition for fasting?

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Do Eye Drops Break The Fast?

Related Fatwas

Taking the COVID Vaccine

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To Decorate for Ramadan or Not to Decorate?

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Making up for Ramadan in Sha'ban

Intention of the Heart

Hoarding of Gold and Silver

September 2020

Can Engaged Couple Meet In Seclusion?

September 2020

Participating In The Elections

October 2020

Is Adoption Permissible In Islam?

October 2020

Is The One Who Dies Of COVID-19 A Shaheed?

November 2020

Is Insurance Haram?

October 2020

Borrowing With Interest

November 2020

Greeting Muslims and Non-Muslims

December 2020

Exchanging Greetings with Non-Muslims

December 2020

Is Working In Shisha Place Permissible?

December 2020

Can A Newly Convert Obey Their Non-Muslim Parents?

December 2020

Fatwa Based on the Stongest Evidence

January 1, 2021

Is Buying Stocks Haram?

January 2021

Distractions In Salat

January 2021

The "Makrooh" (Disliked) acts of Salat

January 22, 2021

Abiding by the laws of the country of residence or destination

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Bank Interest and getting Rid of Haram Money

Read More about Riba

Sadaqa Jariah (endowment) on behalf of the deceased

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Using medicine that may contain doubtful ingredients

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Fasting Rajab

It has become a widespread tradition in many Muslim societies to fast the month of Rajab. According to many high ranking scholars, even though the month of Rajab is one of the 4 sacred months, it was not associated with any special worship or fasting its entirety - either from the Sunnah of the prophet or his successors. In fact, the prophet himself, as reported, fasted more in Shaban than Rajab.  

Changing the revert's name

Apparently, people have done all of that. However, the latter may raise some concerns of having to change documents etc. One of Islam's key principles is facilitation and ease, not complication and hardship. Thus the answer scholars usually gave to such question is that a revert need not change his/her name unless it represents something that's contrary in meaning to islamic principles and creed. Such as a name that associates others with Allah, or a negative, insulting kind of name that the prophet has advised against.

Relaying information without certainty

Islamic Living

Paying Zakah in Ramadan

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fasting the 6 days of Shawwal

Can you still make up Ramadan fasts from years past? 

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Offering Iftar meals to muslims & anon-muslims

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Socially-beneficial actions are acts of worship

Assigning inheritance before dying

Some Muslims assign inheritance to some of their heirs prior to dying, for the purpose of depriving other lawful heirs from their inheritance rights. Most scholars agree that this is unlawful. References in the Quran include verses 4:11 - 14, and 4:176

Is Bariatric Surgery Haram?

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