About Us

        Humble, yet rich and diverse, this site attempts to provide a clear and simple understanding of the basics of Islam, primarily to the new generation of Muslims in the West, new converts (or reverts), non-Muslims interested in learning about Islam, or other seekers of knowledge.

        We aim to provide our visitors with an array of essential tools and resources to help uncover the essence of Islam as a righteous way of life (from a Muslim standpoint, of course) and shed light on its key message to the world: That Islam, once applied right, can be a significant, driving force towards positive living.

        We Shall attempt to present this idea in a balanced, moderate, comprehensive, and as interesting a way as possible - hoping that visitors will find in it a practical platform for independent study, interactive learning, personal development, and exploration of new perspectives.

        Needless to say, the site is pioneered by a seasoned educator (although a Medical Doctor by background) who has picked up some basic, multi-sourced, and multi faceted knowledge of Islam through independent study as well as years of relevant engagement in the Muslim community, yet, still a novice student. Hence, this site is but a collective effort of all those who were engaged in, and has contributed to any relevant teaching and learning, or circles of knowledge. 

         Indebtedness even extends to a broader collective of authors, intellectuals, scholars, sheikhs, and perhaps people from other walks of life, who may have left an impression that lead to this endeavor.

         Particularly noteworthy here, are some endeared people who had participated in some circles of knowledge prior to the development of this site, and whose suggestions directly culminated in this project. The case being so, this site will continue to be receptive to new ideas, frameworks, and contributions. 

        Finally, this site, or its content, shall not be used, in any manner, form or shape, to formally represent, promote or affiliate with any government, political party, or organization.