The Prophet's Sunnah in Ramadan

How close is our Ramadan to that of the prophet?

Muslims should strive to follow the footsteps of the prophet (PPBUH) in every aspect, as he is considered to be our exemplary. Especially for Ramadan, knowing how great the experience is and the objective of Taqwa it wants to achieve of for the believers, there is no better role model to follow than the prophet. So, how did he fast, break the fast, in Ramadan? what deeds did he prioritize? 
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Suhur (pre-dawn snack)
The prophet encouraged Suhur ( he said: have Suhur, for there is blessing in it), and said to delay it until right before morning prayer.
Many people nowadays either eat befor going to sleep and call that Suhur, or get up at dawn and not have any Suhur.

Iftar (breaking the fast)
The prophet (PPBUH) encouraged hastening of Iftar, and he usually broke his fast on dates, water or both. He said " if dates are not available, have water because it is purifying".
Many nowadays break the fast with a big heavy meal before praying, or they may pray first without breaking the fast. The prophet used to have dates or water and then pray. 

To be extra generous

One major deed the prophet prioritized in Ramadan was  giving or charity. Ibn Abbas described him as being the most generous in Ramadan.
Imagine if every Muslim was extra generous for one month!

Good Character
Ramadan is an opportunity to better ourselves in terms of manners and character.
the prophet said not to engage in quarrels, negative talk etc during fasting, " and if someone slandered  the person who is fasting, let him say: O Allah, I'm in fasting".