The Month of Care & Compassion

In Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. This can be challenging to a lot of people, especially during long, hot summer days, without food and drink. However, it becomes second nature once you get used to it (Muslims start training since the young), and when you know that it is the command of your lord, the one who created your whole existence, gave you life, and nurtured you, just like your parent. When you know that he also prescribed such purifying practice for all the previous religions and nations. When you know that the real goal behind such practice is "so that you become pious and God-mindful" as stated in Surah 2, verse 183.
Once, you get into fasting on that understanding, the process automatically becomes smooth and empowering. Then it starts doing its magic of awakening all the inner goodness qualities that human beings have. Most importantly, you become kinder, more compassionate and humble. Certainly, the other inherent deeds, Sunnah, and traditions that accompany the holy month (such as communal and family Iftar, giving charity, congregational prayers, increased voluntary worship and supplication) all enhance that process of making you a better human being. For an enlightening read on the topic, read more below.

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