Mercy To The Whole World

The Prophet's character before prophethood

When the Prophet (ﷺ) returned from the cave of Hira, where he had just received his first revelation during his first encounter with Jibril (Gabriel), his heart was trembling, and he went to Khadija and said: Wrap me up, wrap me up! So they wrapped him till the fear had left him. He then said to Khadija: O Khadija! what has happened to me? and he informed her of the happening, saying: I fear for myself. She replied: It can't be. Be happy. I swear by Allah that He shall never humiliate you. By Allah, you join ties of relationship, you speak the truth, you bear people's burden, you help the destitute, you entertain guests, and you help against the vicissitudes which affect people

The Prophet's Good Manners & Character

Allah has summarized the prophet’s character and good manners by declaring to him: “and indeed, you are of great moral character” (68:4). Then the prophet (PPBUH) made it no secret to link his mission with perfection of moral character when he declared: “I have been sent to perfect the righteous of character”
Thus, the prophet (PPBUH) is considered a role model for good manners, just like he is a role model for all other aspects of human life. He exhibited these qualities even prior to his mission. It is well known, for example, that the Meccans used to nick name him "the honest, and "the trustworthy". There are numerous accounts testifying to his good character. To mention a couple:
1. Aisha (R) said that his character was that of the Quran
2. Anas Bin Malik, who served the prophet (PPBUH) 10 years said: he was the best mannered of all people.

The prophet's empathy

No one has ever exhibited the crux of empathy more than the Messenger of God (pbuh).
God Himself says in Qur’an on how merciful His prophet is, and how the Prophet (pbuh) worries about his people, even the disbelievers.
For example, the Prophet (pbuh) would shorten his congregational prayer when he hears the wails of child, just because a lengthy one would distress the mother (Source: Sahih al Bukhari 678). There are also numerous authentic narrations in the Seerah (history) of the Messenger of God that chronicles his empathy (peace be upon him):

Ikrimah Ibn Abu Jahal meets Rasoolullah (pbuh)
: Abu Jahal, a notorious enemy of Islam, was killed at the Battle of Badr. His son Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahal on hearing this news that his father was killed in the battle by Muslims, becomes so heartbroken. He then wanted to meet the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) in Makkah. Upon hearing the news that Ikrimah has enterted Makkah, the Prophet of God (pbuh) advises Muslims not to call Ikrimah as the son of ‘Abu Jahal’ (meaning: father of ignorance) as it would hurt his feelings, even if he embraced Islam. He (pbuh) stopped people from calling Ikrimah’s father as ‘Abu Jahal’, as that would affect him. 

Enjoining good & forbidding evil

If the Prophet (pbuh) saw an act which opposed a tenet of the religion, he would reprimand it in a suitable manner. Abdullah b. Abbas said: The Messenger of God pbuh saw a man wearing a gold ring20, so he reached for it, [and] removed it…. He then said: "Would one of you seek a burning charcoal and place it on his hand?!" The man was later told, after the Prophet pbuh left: ‘Take your ring! Make good use of it [by selling it].’ The man said: ‘No, by God! I will never take it after the Messenger of God pbuh cast it away.’ (Muslim #2090) Abu Saeed al-Khudri said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: "Whoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart…" (Muslim)

Simplification & Ease 

The Prophet (ppbuh) always sought to make things easy for people. The Messenger of God (ppbuh) said: "I start the prayer with the intention of lengthening it, but when I hear a child crying, I shorten the prayer, as I know its mother would suffer from his screams!" (Bukhari #677)

Giving Hope in Health & Disease

A famous Hadith that had various narrations states: "For every ailment there is a remedy". It gives hope, encourages research, and promotes healthcare. The prophet (PPBUH) has encouraged wellness and health preservation, just as he did encourage medicine and seeking care. When he was asked about remedies they used in disease, rituals to treat the sick, and preventive measures, if it all changes what is predestined? he replied: it is all part of the predestined!

Prophet's Appearance & Hygiene 

The Prophet's Appearance & Hygiene It is well known that the prophet (PPBUH) gave special attention to hygiene and appearance. Many traditions narrate how he encouraged cleanliness and liked to use Siwak (a toothbrush-like stick from the Arak tree – which is said to have many beneficial elements such as minerals, germicidals etc.). He also liked perfume and wearing beautiful garments. When Aisha was asked what did the prophet do when he first entered the house, she said: he used Siwak. He said in one narration: “Eat, drink, and give in charity. Wear (nice) clothing but without pride and extravagance. Verily, Allah loves for his blessings to be seen upon his servants.”

The Prophet's Reason and Objectivity

In an "agreed upon" Hadith, The prophet said: "avoid suspicion (or baseless allegation) for it is the most untruthful of speech". Allah also emphasized this notion in the Quran. "avoid much allegation / suspicion, for some of it is a sin" (49:12). It is a major attribute that the prophet (PPBUH) was characterized by even prior to his mission. That he was honest, of intellect and reason, objective, and did not believe in omen, sorcerous practices and alike. More importantly he always thought well of others and encouraged it.

The prophet's sound intellect

Even though the prophet had no formal schooling, nor could he read or write, he was considered an example and paradigm in many aspects of knowledge, endeavors, life and culture. Then he was commissioned with the message of Islam which refined his wisdom even more. Allah has described this as a great bounty (in Surah Al-Qalam) adding a description of the prophet’s manners as also great (in the same surah): “Nũn. By the pen and what everyone writes! By the grace of your Lord, you ˹O Prophet˺ are not insane. You will certainly have a never-ending reward. And you are truly ˹a man˺ of outstanding character".(68:1-4)
It is said that when the prophet (ppbuh) conquered Mecca, Abu Sufian looked at him deeply and said: How sound-minded, wise, merciful, and caring you are!

The Prophet's regard for reconciliation among people

Abu Daoud and Tirmidhi narrated that the prophet (PPBUH) said "Should I tell you which deed is more rewarded than Salat, fasting and Sadaqa? (they said yes), he said: reconciliation amongst yourselves." Once he heard that some people are quarreling in Quba', so he right away told his companions: let's go and reconcile between them.

The Prophet's optimism, and wishing goodness, even for his enemies.

The prophet (PPBUH) was optimistic in all his affairs, and was dismissing of pessimism. As the Hadith goes: "No pessimism. I like a good optimism". He always looked at the positive aspect even in his enemies. When the angel asked him if he would like him to crush the disbelievers who gave him a very hard time with the two mountains, he replied: perhaps one day good people will come out of them who will worship only God and not associate with him anyone".

The Prophet's Patience

The prophet (PPBUH) was patient in all situations that required patience. From life's challenges to harm inflicted upon him by the disbelievers. However, his patience was combined with hope, reliance on Allah, positive action, strategy, wisdom, enjoining good and forbidding evil, among other qualities.
Read more about this attribute.

The Prophet's Choosing of Allah over Everything

 Prophet Muhammad (PPBUH)always chose Allah over everything and anything. This was evident throughout his Sirah (bioghraphy). Whenever he had to choose between Allah and worldly desires, he would choose Allah. Meaning, he would pursue the path of righteousness and apply the commands prescribed by Allah no matter what the cost. Many challenges came his way, yet he never backed out, because he embodied the conviction that Allah has entrusted him with a mission far greater than his own comforts. The Quran confirms that in this verse: “Say, “Surely my prayer, my worship, my life, and my death are all for Allah—Lord of all worlds” (6:162).

The Prophet's Goodness To His Family

Aisha reported the prophet (PPBUH) as saying: "(the best of you is the one who is good to his wife / his family (Ahl)(Tirmidhi). It is well known that the prophet was the best to his family, meaning he treated them with the best treatment. he was very kind, compassionate, loving, respectful and much more. He often helped his wife or family with domestic chores, enjoyed a playful moment with them, or just let them have their space to do so. Thus, he was truly the best for his Ahl (family).

The Prophet's Favorite Foods

Perhaps one peculiar way to get a sense of the Prophet’s mercy to the world is to consider his favorite food and drink, for a shift of gears. For the varied, yet simple and balanced array of foods he liked to consume or advised of consuming, all represent beneficial and healthy sources of sustenance. In the famous encyclopedic books called “the Prophetic Medicine” by different authors, one notices this common feature about the types of food he (PPBUH) recommended; and from that early inspiration, the Islamic medical civilization has later emerged to leave a far-reaching positive impact on humanity. To get a glimpse of a few example of such foods, check out this link.

The Prophet's Guidance For The Prevention Of Disease

The prophet (PPBUH) said in one doctrine: "Do not put the one who is sick with the one who is healthy". The subject of the prophet'd guidance when it comes to health and medicine in general has been taken up before, and it's a vast subject. However, most of his guidance emphasized more of prevention. For an ounce of prevention . . For an interesting read on this subject click below.
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The Prophet as a Teacher

The prophet (PPBUH) is the greatest teacher. Besides being considered the best role model in almost every aspect of life, which is enough quality for a teacher, He literally left us a legacy of many actual "teaching" encounters. Instances in which he directed someone to do something in a certain manner. One such notable encounter is when he taught his cousin, the young boy Abdullah Ibn Abbas, about "a few things". He actually used the phrase: "Should I teach you a few things?" (the famous Hadith). Another great quality that he (PPBUH) is famous for is that he often started his speech with a question, which many educators nowadays give much value to.
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The Prophet's Physical Fitness

The prophet (PPBUH) said in one Hadith: A strong believer is better and more beloved by Allah than a weak believer". The Quran used the description of strength in body and knowledge for prophet Suleiman (2:247).
Hundreds of books have been written on the description of the prophet. Many of the accounts are in authentic Hadith sources. One would conclude that he had a solid body build that was obviously well maintained and perhaps more fir than the fittest of the people at the time. One account describes how he once beat a well recognized wrestler. Another how he raced once with Aisha (R). and How he used to walk considerably in Medina. For a related article, Click Here

The Prophet's charity

The prophet (PPBUH) was the most generous, according to the Hadith (Bukhari), and he was extra generous in Ramadan. The prophet's giving and charity reached great horizons. He gave to fellow Muslims, non-muslims, and even cared for animals. One Hadith says: "there is a reward in helping any living creature" (Bukhari & Muslim). There is so much literature related to the prophet's tradition on charity, or Sadaqa, and it's also emphasized in the Quran. Hence, the prophet was described as having the manners of Quran. Read more about the prophet and charity.

The Prophet's worship during the last 10 days of Ramadan

The prophet (PPBUH) did extra special worship during the last 10 days which includes the night power. Learn more about what he did.
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The Prophet's Sunnah During Eid

The main sunnah for 'Eid is to go to 'Eid prayers. Prophet Muhammad encouraged everyone to go, men, women, children, even the women who are menstruating are encouraged to go and listen to the prayers and khutbah.

Learn about other Eid Sunnah of the Prophet.

The Prophet's Assistance with Household Chores

The Prophet (PPBUH) would clean and help at home. He would see to his needs himself rather than demanding his wife. He would clean and see to his clothing

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The Prophet's Perspective on Peace & Social Justice

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was able to establish a model society based in Madinah, on the firm foundation of universally-recognized moral principles. Among these principles, equality and justice were given supreme importance; and this is evident in the life and practice of the Prophet. This agreement between the first Muslim community and the Jewish community in Medina shows the sense of justice portrayed in the Prophet’s character in dealing with minorities. It also clearly shows that the Prophet did not spread Islam, even in the city of Medina, by force; on the contrary, he promoted peaceful co-existence with followers of other faiths, especially Jews and Christians

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The Prophet's Perspective on Health & Hygiene

Another important legacy of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was his perspective and tradition related to health and hygiene. A quick look at some of his Hadiths illustrates that.

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Prophet's tradition in the month of Rajab

Prophet (PPBUH) used to supplicate: "O' Allah, make the months of Rajab and Sha'ban blessed for us, and enable us to witness Ramadan". Thus, Rajiab reminds us to get ready for Ramadan.
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The Prophet's tradition in Sha'ban

Ummul Mu'mineen 'Aishah (r), says, "Prophet Muhammad , used to fast for most of Shaban. I said to him, 'Messenger of Allah, is Shaban your favorite month for fasting?' He said, 'In this month Allah prescribes the list of the persons dying this year. Therefore, I like that my death comes when I am in a state of fasting.

Ramadan &. Fasting

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Imams Council Statement

The Situation in France

A statement issued by the Council of Imams in the greater NY area:

In the name of of Allah, the most Gracious, the Most Merciful Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad ibn Ubayd Allah, upon his good and pure family and companions, and upon his wives, the mothers of the believers, And after: The Council of Imams has followed with great pain the insults issued by French President Emmaneul Macron, where he described Islam as "a religion that today is in crisis all over the world," and then exacerbated the offense by supporting the continued publication of cartoons demeaning the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, claiming that this is an example of freedom of expression.
We declare our total rejection of this offense with our statement and confirm the following:

1. The Council
of Imams condemns these reckless statements that offend Islam and the Prophet of Islam, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and represent a shock that that has incensed the roughly 1.8 billion Muslims who venerate this noble Prophet.

2. The Council warns that President Macron's support for the publication of these offensive cartoons fuels the spirit of hatred against more than 5 million Muslims in France and about 1.8 billion Muslims around the world, and that the attacks on Muslims in France and the closure of some of their mosques are the result of the president's irresponsible statements.

3. The French president's repeated offenses make Muslim silence unacceptable, because the love of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is a doctrine that cannot be transgressed. The Muslim's love for the Prophet takes precedence over the love of oneself, the love of money, the love of children, and the love of the world as a whole. As the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “None of you believes until I am dearer to him than his child, his parent, and all the people.”

4. The Council calls upon the great minds of the world, including thinkers and diplomats, to take swift action to ensure that all of God’s messengers, may God’s prayers be upon them, are not insulted.

5. The Council calls on Muslims to express their opposition to these statements in a manner approved by the Sharia and permitted by the laws of their respective countries.

6. The Council believes that it is permissible to boycott French goods. Boycotting is a well-known method with a long pedigree. For instance, Europe boycotted the German economy after the Second World War. It is a method that Sharia does not prohibit so long as it serves the public interest and removes evil. This was indicated by Thamama bin Athal when he said to the people of Makkah, "By God, no grain of wheat will come to you from the yamaha until the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, gives permission for it ”(Bukhari).

7. We strongly condemn the foolish and violent acts that have constituted this crisis. We condemn French teacher Samuel Paty's presentation of these insulting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. We condemn the grisly killing of Paty. We condemn the stabbing of the two Muslim girls near the Eiffel Tower. We condemn the attacks on the three people who were killed in the vicinity of a church. All of this we strongly condemn ...

8. The Council calls upon Muslims to commit themselves to, and call to, the values and teachings of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.

9. Muslims should actively participate in the social, political, and cultural affairs of their societies, thereby expressing themselves, knowing their status, and serving their community.

10. Finally, we ask mosques, schools and imams to deepen our love for the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - by studying his biography, getting to know his personality, and broadcasting and disseminating his traits. And Allah is the Grantor of all success