Islam101 - Terms

Most Islamic terms are derived from Arabic, being the language of the Quran, and considered to be the official language of Islam.

Thus, the more eloquence in Arabic one develops, the more helpful it would be to relate to the Quran and to Islam.

Only some of the major Islamic terms are referenced here. More terms may be found in other glossary sources, such as these 2 links: 


Adhan: the call to prayer
AH: after Hijra (after migration), also: Hijri. (the Islamic calendar based on the 12 lunar months and stemming from the date the prophet migrated from Mecca to Medinah
Allah: = God, the one and only creator, worshiped deity. Has many attributes, referred to as “beautiful names” such as Al-Rahman (the beneficent, merciful)
Allahu- Akbar: Allah is great/ greater (used to express positive excitement / great achievement, wonderful experience)
Assalmu-Alaikum: peace be upon you (standard Muslim greeting)
Ayah: verse (in the Quran), sign
Da'wah: invitation to / propagation of Islam
Dua’: supplication
Eid: holiday (there are 2 main Muslim Holidays: Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr)
Fatwa: legal verdict / decree based on Sharia’ (Islamic Law)
Fiqh: Islamic jurisprudence
Hadith: prophet’s saying, tradition
Hajj: pilgrimage (to Mecca), one of the 5 pillars of Islam
Halal: lawful, allowed, permissible 
Haram: unlawful, prohibited
. Hijrah: migration (of the prophet) from Mecca to Medina
Ibadah: worship, submission, obedience, service and subjection
Iftar: breaking the fast
Ihsan: excelling, doing the best
Ijtihad: scholarly conclusion, deriving new laws
Insha- Allah: God willing
Islam: lietrally derived from the Arabic triroot: S-L-M which denotes several words / meanings: submit, peace, safe, among others. It is the name of Allah’s religion


 • Jahannam: Hell
Jahiliyah: ignorance, refers to the epoch prior to Islam in Mecca, where people practiced idol worshipping
Janaza: Funeral
Janna: heaven, paradise
Jihad: strive, struggle. Has many subtypes and form in Islam
Jum'a: Friday / Friday prayer (=Mass)
Masjid: mosque (plural: masajid)
Muslim: a person who accepts Islam as his/her religion / way of life
PBUH (peace be upon him), PPBUH (prayers and peace be upon him): used as a greeting or supplication following the mention of any prophet, especially prophet Muammad. It is a translation of its Arabic equivalent that a Muslim actually uses.
Quiblah: the direction to which Muslims turn / face when they perform prayers (salat)
Rabb: lord, sustainer
Riba: usery, interest
Sadaqa: charity
Salah /Salat: performing prayer, the Muslim ritual worship performed 5 times daily in addition to the optional ones
Shaitan: Satan, also named Iblis
Shari’ah: Islamic law
Subhan- Allah: glory be to Allah (used to express amazement)
Sunnah: the tradition of the prophet • Surah: a chapter in the Quran
Takbir: saying “Allahu -Akbar”
Taqwa: piety
Ummah: community, nation
Wadu: ablution, ritual purification prior to performing Salat
Zakah: Alms, prescribed charity, one of the 5 pillars of Islam