Quba' Mosque

First Mosque built by the prophet (PPBUH) after migrating (Hijrah) to Medina

Hijri - Pedia

Major events commemorated in each of the 12 Hijri months are presented here 

Hijri is the Islamic Calendar based on the Lunar year. It was founded on the basis of the prophet's Hijrah (migration) from Mecca to Medina, after 13 years of Bi'tha (mission / revelation) (622CE). The prophet's journey took place at the end of the Hijri month of Safar / beginning of Rabi' I. That year was designated as the first year of Hijrah / Muslim calendar by the second Khalifa (Calif) Omar.
For A Full Hijri- Gregorian Calendar CLICK HERE

1. Muharram

The month of Muharram is first month in the Islamic calendar and is one of the four sacred months. Ashoura' (The Tenth) is the main event to commemorate in the month of Muharram. It marks the two day fasting tradition that the prophet started to coincide with the celebration of prophet Musa (Moses) deliverance of his people out of oppression in Egypt. It also marks the martyrdom of Imam Husain, the grand son of the prophet, on the 10th of Muharram, 61 AH (10th of October, 680 CE).

2. Safar

Safar is the second month in the Islamic calendar, during which many important events occurred.
1. The conquest of Khaibar, in the year 7 AH (628 CE) is one such event commemorated. (Khaibar, was a then Jewish stronghold, 90 miles north of Medinah).
2. The Hijrah (migration) journey of the prophet from Mecca to Medinah, which is said to have occured on the 27th of Safar, the 14th year of Bi'tha (mission, start of revelation).

3. Rabi' al-Awwal (Rabi' I)

The most important date Muslims commemorate this month is the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PPBUH) on the 12th (October 29). Muslims around the world celebrate this occasion or commemorate it in form or the other. Most importantly, they reflect on the significance of his message and prophethood, and draw lessons from his biography.
Other important events in Rabi' Al-Awwal include:
1. Marriage of Prophet Muhammad (PPBUH) to Khadijah, his first wife.
2. The Hijrah (Migration) from Mecca to Medinah was completed.
3. Building of Masjid Quba', the first mosque in Islam

4. Rabi' Al-Thani (Rabi' II)

Many events in Muslim history took place in Rabi II. Perhaps one of significance is the conquering of Al Quds (Bait el Maqdis / Jerusalem) in the year 16 AH (638 CE).
The event culminated in the arrival of then Khalfah Omar Ibn al Khattab to receive the keys from the Roman patriarch Sophronius and enter the city. Later, Omar gave the local christians of the city what's known as the Omari pact / covenant (assurance by the khalifa of the safety and freedom of the local inhabitants). To read more CLICK HERE

5. Jumada Al-Ula (Jumada I)

This Hijri month commemorates many events, including:

Death of Imam Abu Hanifa al-No'man (above) in the year 150 AH (767 CE). Abu Hanifa is one of the four major imams representing the four Madhahib (schools of thought) 

. Death of Fatima al Zahra', daughter of the prophet, in the year 11 AH (632 CE).

The conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul) by the Othmani (Ottoman) Sultan Mohammed II, in the year 857 AH (1453 CE)

6. Jumada II

1. The death of Abu Bakr, First Khalifa / Successor to prophet Mohamed (PPBUH), 13 AH / 634 CE. Abu Bakr is described as a man of integrity, wisdom, courage, piety, and compassion among other attributes.

. Death of Haroon Ar-Rashid, one of the most influential Abbasid Khalifahs, who "used to perform pilgrimage one year and Jihad the next year" 193 AH / 809 CE

3. The conquest of Alexandria, Egypt by Amr Ibn Al-As, 21 AH / 642 CE

4. Death of Ahmad Shawqi, 14 Jumada Al Akhir, 1351 AH
Titled: "The Prince Of Poets"

7. Rajab

This 7th month is one of the 4 sacred months as stated in the Quran. Events commemorated in it include:

1. The liberation of Beit El-Maqdis (Jerusalem) by Salah Ud-Deen (Saladdin) from the Crusaders, 27 Rajab, 583 AH / October 2, 1187 CE

2. The night journey (Isra') by prophet Mohammed (PPBUH), 1 year prior to Hijrah

3. The Battle of Tabouk, last battle of the prophet (PPBUH) with the Byzantines, 9 AH / 630 CE

4. Battle of Yarmouk, one decisive battle, 15 AH / 636 CE

5. Death of Imam Tirmidhi, a Hadith Narrator, 279 AH / 892 CE

8. Sha'ban

1. Death of Aisha Abdel-Rahman (Bint El-Shatti'), 1419 AH / 1998 CE

2. Shifting of Quiblah from Jerusalem to Mecca, 2 AH

3. Fasting of Ramadan was prescribed 2 AH

4. The Crusaders occupied Jerusalem 492 AH / 1099 CE

5. Sultan Qutuz of Egypt moves to combat the Tatars in the famous battle of Ein Jalout 658 AH / 1260 CE

9. Ramadan

1. The first verses of the Quran were revealed to prophet Mohammed (PPBUH) in the cave of Hira'

2. The Great Battle of Badr, 17 Ramadan 2 AH / 624 CE

3. The Conquest of Mecca, 21 Ramadan 8 AH / 630 CE

4. Tariq Bin Ziad paved the way for the Muslim control of Andalusia, 92 AH / 711 CE

5. The Azhar mosque was built 261 AH (968 CE) and then became a university 378 AH.

6. Death of Imam Bukhari
256 AH, 30 Ramadan

10. Shawwal

1. The first of Shawwal marks the major holiday EID UL-Fitr 

The battle of the trench, one decisive battle, 5 AH / 627 CE

3. Marriage of the Prophet (PPBUH) and A'isha,  2 AH

11. Dhul-Qui'dah

1. The treaty of Hudaibiyah, a turning point in Islamic history, 6 AH

2. The prophet (PPBUH) began his journey to perform his farewell Hijjah (pilgrimage) 10 AH


12. Dhul-Hijjah

1. The 10th of Dhul-Hijjah marks the second holiday Eidul-Ad'ha

2. The Farewell Hijjah (pilgrimage) of the prophet (PPBUH), 10 AH, in which he delivered his farewell sermon

3. Death of Omar (second khalifah) 23 AH